We arrived in Queretaro a half hour after the previous bus left for
Guanajuato and found out we had a 4 1/2 hour wait until the next bus. So, we changed our plans and took a taxi into the center of Queretaro for a brief visit. After a quick lunch at booth surrounding the zocalo, we walked around the city looking at churches and plazas. We were
able to see "Los Arcos" the 1.28km aqueduct (pic) with 74 towering arches built between 1726 and 1735 that runs through the center of town. We also took a tour (given by an impressive 13 year old girl) through the Convento de la Santa Cruz (pic). The convento (built 1654 - 1815) is famous for a miraculous appearance of Santiago (St. James)
which led the Otomi (the indiginous people of that area)
to surrender to the conquistadors and Christianity. Another of the site's miracles includes a tree that supposedly grew from a walking stick being stuck in the ground. The thorns of the tree form a cross.
We arrived in Guanajuato (pic) about 7:30pm, found our hotel and went out for dinner. For three weeks in October,
Guanajuato is host to the Cervantino International Festival.
"During this period, Guanajuato becomes a living theater and
Coming next: More Guanajuato and a town called Dolores Hildalgo
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