Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Regina is returning to Mexico for a visit!

I am returning to Mexico to visit one year later!
I am going to go with my friend, Amber and we are leaving tonight (Tuesday, July 21st) at midnight:25 on a flight to Houston then to Mexico City. We will be staying in Mexico City at a hotel (Hotel Fleming) I frequented on my trips to Mexico City during the year I lived in Cuernavaca.
When Amber came to visit during May of 2009 the Swine Flu scare was at it's peak in Mexico City so we decided to leave quickly and go to Cuernavaca. So, this time, we will have a week in Mexico City to see the sites we didn't get to see when she was there the first time.
After a week in Mexico City, Amber is returning to the U.S. and I am going, solo, to Cuernavaca to visit friends that I made in that city and in the school where I studied Spanish. I will be staying with a couple that I met (he is from San Francisco, she is from Mexico) in the same complex where Reed and I lived during the second half of the year.
I am a little nervous to travel on my own but I think that my Spanish is good enough for me to survive (I guess I will see soon enough!). :o)
When I return, I plan on writing a blog about my experience. I am sure that I will have plenty to tell!
Wish me luck! (Buena suerte!)